Tuesday, March 19, 2013

2nd Half of my Family's Visit

On Tuesday my family went to Westminster Abbey, Harrod's and Kensington Palace. I had class 2-5 so I just met up with them afterwards. We ate supper at ISH again so I could use up more of my meal money. After eating we played Trivia because in the ISH bar they do trivia every Tuesday evening. We didn't do too hot.

On Wednesday in the morning I showed them the main Birkbeck building on my campus. After that we headed over to Buckingham Palace to watch the Changing of the Guards. We got there early so that we could have front row. Where we were standing one of the bands stood and played right in front of us and we could read their sheet music. They played a couple songs including Hot Stuff, Earth Wind & Fire's "September", and A Swinging Safari. After watching the guards change we made our way over to the Tate Modern because I had class at 2 there for a field trip to see the Lichtenstein exhibit of pop-art. I thought it was kind of cool, but I also found it boring. After class I walked to the Lyceum Theater to meet up with my parents and Alex. We ate supper at Garfunkel's and then saw The Lion King. It was super cool. The props were amazing and I have no idea how creative people have to be to come up with stuff. It was a really good show and I'm glad we got tickets.

Thursday I had class from 10-1, so my family went to Coventry Gardens and Trafalgar Square. When I was done with class we went to the London Eye and it was really cool to ride that. You could see everything and it was cool to be able to see buildings and know what they were from being here. After that, we ate a quick supper at McDonald's of all places and made our way to Chelsea because we were going to see the Chelsea FC vs. Steaua Bucharesti football game. It was cool being there, and Chelsea won, 3-1. The fans of Chelsea weren't as hyped up as I thought they would be, like the West Ham fans. I can remember them saying a couple different cheers every now and then. Steaua Bucharesti's fans were really rowdy. After getting back from the game we had to say goodbye to each other seeing as they were leaving that morning to head back to Wisconsin, and I was waking up at 4:15 to go to Scotland. I really enjoyed having my family here even though it was stressful at times planning stuff to do.

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