Saturday, March 30, 2013

On Friday I slept in, and then Brittany, Jeni, and I went to eat lunch at noon. After that we walked to Covent Gardens Piazza, and looked at some market stuff. There was also an Easter Egg Hunt going on, and it was 3 gbp do participate, so we decided to do that all together. We got a booklet with 101 eggs in it that we had to check off when we saw them. The eggs were huge and painted really uniquely. I believe the eggs were getting auctioned off and the proceeds of that and the 3 gbp entry fee thing was for charity, but I forget which organization. We had fun looking at most of the eggs and took our pictures with some. After doing most of those, we had to leave to go to Trafalgar Square because Jeni and Brittany wanted to see the play The Passion of Jesus. It was free and was put on by people who wanted to spread the spirit of Christ. It was a 90 minute show, and since it was outside I was freezing by the time it was over. The play was good, and when Jesus rose at the end the crowd cheered, and it felt so weird/uplifting to be in a crowd that was so proud of their worshiper, a feeling I never really have felt before. We took the tube back to ISH because we were freezing and didn't want to walk the 40 minutes back. Then after that we went back to our rooms and I watched some episodes of Gossip Girl, and went to bed around 11:30.

Saturday we woke up at 7 so we could be at breakfast at 8. We planned to go see what we could on an hour long "Progress Tour" of the Olympic Park. Brittany wrote down the directions to get us there, and we had to start out Great Portland Street Station, and we seriously waited there for at least 30 minutes and in that time only 1 train had passed. We thought we wouldn't get to the Olympic Park in time and were getting really frustrated with the public transport. We decided to just jump on the next train and go as far as it'd take us. The next train was going to Moorgate and terminated at that stop. We decided to get off at Barbican to catch a different train there. We rode that train for 2 stops and had to transfer to yet another train because the one we got on at Barbican was going to stop at Liverpool Street Station and reverse directions. Because of that we hopped off real quick and caught a train on the Central Line that took us to Mile End. From there we had to go to Bow Church and then had to go on the overground. We thought we would not make it in time for our tour at 10am, but we arrived with like 7 minutes to spare. We sure dominated public transportation after they screwed us over with not having trains at Great Portland Street going in the direction we needed. The tour at Olympic Park was just alright. Nothing special. It is under massive construction and rebuilding, so it was pretty much all just a construction site. They gave people bright yellow vests and hard hats if they wanted them, which Brittany Jeni and I declined. We got on a bus that took us through some of the construction and the lady described to us some things of what the construction would be in a couple years. We got to the ArcelorMittal Orbit and were able to go up into that structure, which is Britains tallest piece of public art at 377 ft. At the top we could look out and see really far and could point out various buildings in London's skyline. We could see into part of the Olympic Stadium from up there, and could see the Aquatics Center. We decided to take the steps down the structure instead of using the elevator. There was 431 steps to the bottom, and there were a couple signs on our way down letting us know how many more. I enjoyed going down the stairs and we even counted them, but we messed up the number at some point. After that we went back to ISH for lunch and now I'm just sitting in my room not really doing anything. I'm not sure what my plans are for tonight either.

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