Monday, March 25, 2013


This past weekend I spent a lot of it just sitting around in my room doing nothing productive. Saturday evening 6 of us went out to eat for Lisa's birthday and although the food wasn't the best, it was still a nice time. After eating we went to the ISH Bar and had a drink before Lisa and some others went out in Camden.  Brittany and I were really tired and didn't feel the greatest after the food, and didn't feel like making the trip out to Camden at like 9:30 pm so we just headed back to our room.

Sunday morning 10 of us met at ISH to leave for a rugby game! We went to St. Pancras station to meet Andrew's boss Adam, and he was going to the game as well, and he led the way that we had to go to get there. The ride out to where we needed to get to was a good distance away. After getting to the tube station, we had to take a shuttle bus to get to the field. We wasted some time in the "big" Waitrose grocery store where we bought sandwiches and snacks to eat since we wouldn't be having lunch. We got to the field and it was a little confusing finding our seats, but we eventually got to them. The stadium which was called Allianz Park just recently got finished building, so it's new. Our seats were in a good location and we could see the field perfectly. I didn't really know what was all going on, but I enjoyed the game and it was a good experience. However, we all underestimated the weather, and we all froze our buns off. After the game, Adam's mom had invited us over to hangout and eat supper there, so that's what we did. We took a taxi from the field to his mom's house. Their house was really nice and decent size with 7 bedrooms, something you don't really find in Europe. His mom and 2 sisters were really friendly and it was a nice time warming up and talking with everyone. For supper his mom ordered 2 large pizzas for us all, and they sure were large. The 2 pizzas fed like 13 people. She also served us tea and other beverages. There were also little chocolates to nibble on, and after the pizza she had hot cross buns with strawberry jelly on them and then a slice of a strawberry on top of that. I didn't like the taste of the bun, but the strawberry bit on top was yummy. We got back to MTH after 10pm I think that night.

Tonight a group of us went to the Brazil v. Russia football game. We had front row tickets and it was pretty amazing. The press people's heads were in the way, and the line referee person, but it was still awesome being that close to the action.  The Brazil fans are crazy. The Russian's were chanting "Russia" throughout the game, but they chanted it like "Russ-ee-yuh" so there was 3 syllables.. not sure if they just did that for 3 syllables or if its actually pronounced like that for them. There was an idiot who decided to run out onto the field which happened right in front of us, and the one security guy was chasing him on the field and just tackled him to the ground, and then a couple others were on that and they carried him off the field. I always get nervous when that happens and worry that something worse could possibly happen. Later on in the game, another idiot decided to run onto the field from the other side opposite of us, and got tackled and carried off as well. The game was Russia up 1-0, but with like a minute left of the game Brazil scored to tie it 1-1, and that was the end of the game. I got some cool pictures that I'll add tomorrow!

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