Thursday, March 28, 2013

Start of Spring Break

On Tuesday I had a field trip for my London in Literature course and we went through the Churchill War Rooms. It was really interesting to see where Winston Churchill and his government hid out during The Blitz.  The meeting room is supposedly left untouched since the last time that they used it back then, which made the War Rooms that much more fascinating. We saw different rooms where people slept, the kitchen, etc. There was also an interactive Churchill Museum, which was cool, but it was just like a room full of different things in no particular order. I think it should have been laid out from Churchill's birth and childhood up to when he died, but it was just chaos for the order they had it. We like read about his death, and then the next spot was his childhood, and then the next part we learned about his wife. The layout of the museum was confusing too, as like I said earlier, it wasn't in any particular order nor was there a pattern of movement.

On Wednesday Brittany, Jeni, and I woke up early to go to the Natural History Museum.  The museum was pretty neat, and we saw many dinosaur's and we even saw a blue whale. Those things are HUGE. It took up like a whole room in the museum. I'd hate to come across any type of whale in the ocean since they are all bigger than I am. There were so many school groups there it was insane. Kids were everywhere. It was so noisy and kids were running into me and adults were being rude giving no one any space. Europeans have absolutely no concept of personal space. They get right up next to you, reach over/around you, and its uncomfortable and I just want to tell them to "back off", but then I'd be the one that is "rude". My hatred for school groups in public places got deeper while there. I was glad to leave. After that, we walked to Stamford Bridge where Chelsea FC plays, because we were going to have a stadium tour. The tour was really cool. I liked being able to see stuff behind the scenes since I had been there twice previously for football games. We got to sit where the journalists sit, we were in the press room, got to see both the home and away locker rooms, got to walk out of the tunnel and sit in the seats that the players sit on in the dugout. I took a bunch of pictures. After that, we went back to our rooms and relaxed before we were going to go to ISH for supper. The internet was out all day Wednesday for some maintenance work or something so I was glad to be gone for majority of the day. To spend my time in the room the rest of the day I deleted old pictures off my laptop, and read. Brittany and I were so bored without the internet, but we survived.

Today, Thursday, we slept in and then Brittany, Jeni and I went to Starbucks around 11 because the internet was still out. Around noon we left there to put our laptops back in our rooms and then ate lunch at ISH. After that we went to Oxford Street and shopped a little bit. I ended up getting 2 shirts and a really pretty dress that was only 10 gbp. We got back around 3 something, and I tried my internet here and it worked!!! I was SO happy. Since then I've tidied up my room a bit, watched some episodes of Gossip Girl, and laid in bed doing nothing productive.

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