Monday, February 18, 2013

Some pictures from Ireland

 Our ferry to Dublin Port

 A leprechaun outside of a pub

 Dunguaire Castle
 Traditional Irish homes

Me in a ring of trees where fairies apparently live

 Portal Tomb
 This city has the largest match making festival in Europe
 The pub where we ate for lunch on our day trip in Doolin, Ireland

 Me and the Cliffs of Moher

 Selfie at the Cliffs

 Standing on the edge, and the wind picked up so I feared for my life for a second as I rebalanced myself
 As you can tell by my hair it was super windy and cold that day
 River Liffey in Dublin

 Irish flag :)

 9,000 year lease Arthur Guinness signed in 1759

 Me behind the waterfall inside Guinness
 One of the many advertisements

 Below: An old bottle of Guinness
The Spire


  1. Great shots Claire,

    That is one big ferry boat! Do you know how many people it could carry? Did it carry vehicles too? What kind of shaft horsepower did the engines develope? WHAT??? you didn't ask those questions?? You had three hours to find out all the details!!

    The difference in the travel times most likely had to deal with the physical size of the ship and its top speed, the wind direction and speed, and the sea currents. That and maybe the captian of the ferry going to Ireland got paid by the hour!

    The countryside sure seems to have a lot of stone everywhere...can't imagine plowing! I remember every spring as a kid...we had to go pick rocks out of the fields that the winter frost pushed up from below. We would load them on a flat skid and at the end of the field, we would pile them up to create those same stone I know where we learned that from!

    I'll have to use Google Maps to find where those cliffs are at. It all looked wonderful to me.

    That bottle of Guiness...sure looks more like drain oil out of that big ferry boat...I can see now why you don't like beer when that is all they show you!

    The waterfall looks that the only barrier between inside and outside?

    I'm sure you enjoyed that trip and I know it was much needed to break up the school work.

    Thanks again for sharing your experiences with us! I am enjoying all of this!


    1. I'm sorry to let you down, but no, I didn't ask any questions about the ship. The water fall was just like a big display inside the Guinness Brewery. I think the money that people throw in it goes towards some charity for fresh water for Africans if I remember correctly.

  2. Hi Claire,

    Hope you are feeling better again. I love all the pictures you have taken. You are so lucky! It is hard to imagine that you have been there 2 months already. Does it seem like the time is going quickly? Are you going to be able to see all the things that you wanted to before you return home? I know your family is looking forward to seeing you in a couple of days! Hopefully you can have most of your homework done before they get there. Keep the pictures and posts coming!

    Take care,
    Chris & Steve

    1. I am feeling better, but I've got a sore throat now and a cough here and there. After my first time being sick I felt like this, so I just hope I won't get sick for the third time. Time is going by fast and I don't think I'll be able to see everything I wanted to. Too much homework is keeping me from exploring.
