Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Past Week

Hello all! Sorry for not posting as much, but I haven't been doing a whole lot of stuff since it is midterm. I've got papers to write and books to read, so that is keeping me busy. I was feeling better after having the flu, but then I got hit again and now have a cold. It's just great having back-to-back flu/colds. Hopefully after this round I'll be able to be healthy again and not get sick for a third time.

On Sunday a group of us had signed up through our housing's travel club to go to the White Cliffs, Dover, and Canterbury. So we got on a mini coach bus and made our way to the White Cliffs. They were not impressive at all. I thought it'd be really cool, but I was very disappointed. It was also super cold Sunday with high winds, snow, and even little balls of hail. After taking some pictures of the non-impressive cliffs, we walked on Dover Beach. After that, we went up to the Dover Castle. We only have 2 hours to explore the castle, and that was not enough time.  We came across a tour that took us underground into tunnels that they had used during World War II. It was really cool to be underground in tunnels where so many soldiers had hid and took shelter and lived under there. The tour for the tunnels lasted about 45 minutes, so basically we only had an hour left after. After we climbed up a hill to get to the tower in the castle. That was really hard for me, my calves were burning and I was breathing really hard, and it was especially hard since I couldn't breathe out of my nose. I didn't know if I'd be able to make it up the hill, but I did it somehow. After exploring the tower and part of the castle we had to go back down the hill and meet with the rest of the group at the entrance. Once we were all counted for, we headed to Canterbury to see the Canterbury Cathedral. It was really pretty, but I think all churches here in Europe blend together and start looking alike after you've been in so many. I noticed at one point in the church there was a cat napping on a chair. Later I found out that the cat hangs out in the cloisters when it is nicer out, and stays in the church when the weather is bad. I believe the cat is a stray, but they basically have a church cat now. I wish my church had a pet cat. After the church we had a couple hours of free time so 7 of us found a restaurant and I ordered lasagna. It was good, but not Stouffer's good, which is my favorite type of lasagna. After lunch we just strolled around in the area surrounding the church so we wouldn't get lost. At 4pm we met up with the rest of the  group and we made our way back to London. I guess it was an ok trip, but I was not impressed at all and could've passed on this opportunity.

My friend Jeni here found tickets online for a soccer match last night, so she bought two tickets and she and I went to the game. It was West Ham vs. Tottenham. It took us about 45 minutes on the tube to get there, and we were packed like sardines on the tube since it was around 5:30/6 when we left. After finding the stadium we had to pick up the tickets there since the Royal Mail failed to get Jeni her tickets in the mail on time. After getting the tickets we found a place to get supper, and we found this sketchy place called "Chunky Chicken and Pizza". We split a 12" pizza cheese pizza. After that we walked down the road and bought West Ham scarves for a cheap price. And you can definitely tell we got them for a cheap price. After seeing all the other fans official scarves I was almost embarrassed of the scarves we had. The game started and it was a lot of fun. I would totally go to another pro soccer game. The fans there were like cheering/chanting stuff the whole time, but I couldn't make out what exactly they were saying. The British are very serious with their soccer. I wouldn't like to be from the visiting team in the stands, because I've heard on news and from word of mouth that you be careful incase a fight breaks out or something like that. Tottenham scored the first goal of the game, and then there was a penalty inside the box so West Ham got a free kick, and they scored on that. The crowd went wild. After halftime West Ham scored again making it 2-1. Tottenham then tied the game up 2-2. I thought the game would end with a tie, but Tottenham came out with one more goal with like 5 minutes left of the game, and won 3-2. So that was disappointing for the West Ham team and fans, which we were last night. After the game, Jeni and I checked out the store at the stadium and everything was 50% off so of course we had to buy some stuff. I got a West Ham away jersey, along with their away shorts. I wanted their home uniform, but the only sizes left were like XXL. The tube ride back to the Baker Street station took what felt like forever. I just wanted to be back in my bed here, but we had to sit on the train for 40 minutes and our stop was the 15th. Eventually we got back and I was able to take some NyQuil and fall asleep soundly after my exciting night.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Claire,

    More GREAT pictures and stories!

    Those unimpressive white cliffs of Dover are pretty significant at least during one period of history. During World War II, those white cliffs were like welcome beacons to all the Allied fly boys returning from missions over France, Germany and other Axis occupied countries. Imagine badly damaged aircraft limping home and losing altitude over the channel...wondering if they will make it...when those cliffs appear and they know they are home!! Not much to look at on the ground...but from the air...it was the most beautiful thing those guys saw at times!
    That's cool about those tunnels! I didn't know about them. I wonder if they used them as part of th costal defense durning WWII. There was always the threat of Invasion and Great Britian prepared as much as they could.
    I keep thinking how much would it cost to build a cathedral like that today?? It just is unreal the beauty of the archetecture and massive scale of size that these buildings encompass. No cranes or cement trucks back then either!! I never get tired of looking at them. Lots of things are soooo old in Europe and if it had not been for two World Wars...can you imagine what all would have survived? So very much was lost...

    Cool...Soccer! Or Football in Europe! That was wonderful that you got to see a match! We tried to do that when we were there but could not get tickets on the days we had available. The crowds really get into the game and support their teams...good for you for supporting one!

    I sure hope you get to feeling better. It surely is no fun being sick...but being sick while you have opportunities like this...makes it even worse.

    Take Care Now!!

    Keep the stories and experiences coming!!

    Pat :)
