Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day Trip and Soccer Pictures

 White Cliffs in Dover
 Dover Castle

 Dover Castle
 Dover Castle
 View of Dover from the castle
 Canterbury Cathedral entrance
 Canterbury Cathedral
 The sleeping church cat

 West Ham vs Tottenham

 Bobby Moore tribute

 West Ham's penalty kick
 Final score of the game. West Ham 2, Tottenham 3


  1. You can't deny that those castles and cathedrals are some of the most impressives structures on Earth! They didn't have any blueprints or architectural drawings to go by either!!

    Kitty looks comfy...did mom comment on those chairs? I figured she would be eyeing them up and figuring out how they weaved the seats!!

    So did the Football announcers scream out...GOOOOAAALLL...whenever there was a score? Maybe that is only South America.

    So here is your assignment...how do they get the soccer field grass to look like wide stripes? We have to know the important things!!

    Whoops...my coffee is all gone...time to go!!

    Are mom and dad coming over soon? I forgot the dates...I know you are looking forward to that! Hopefully you will be healthy and have all your homework done so you can spend time with them all over London! Remember...the Imperial War Museum!! HINT HINT...pictures!!!

    OHH!! You should plan a trip out to Wales...to the massive open pit Coal mines!! They have some giant pieces of equipment out there that would be facinating to see...well...at least for me they would! ha ha

    Pat ;)

    1. Mom, Dad, and Alex get here on Thursday!! I'm so excited to have them coming over here and I can't wait to share London with them. The Imperial War Museum was actually on one of my syllabus to go to for a field trip, but it is closed to visitors until July 2013 so I won't have the chance to see it. But if I remember correctly I will be going to the Churchill War Rooms.

  2. Very cool...the whole family will be there!!

    Bummer about the Imperial War Museum...:(

    BUT...the war rooms were unbelievable! They are untouched since WWII ended. You can almost smell Winston Churchill's cigars! All those maps and phones...you keep waiting to hear an air raid siren!

    Have a great time with your family Claire! You deserve a break!

