Sunday, March 3, 2013

Kew Gardens

The past week I've been busy reading and continuing writing my papers. Saturday I was able to take a break and Anna, Lisa and I went to the Kew Gardens. It was so beautiful. It was a really big place with a lot of trees and landscapes. There was a palm house with tropical plants in it. There was another big greenhouse with cacti, ferns, orchids, and many other plants inside it too. It was packed with people. They had an Orchid exhibit going on, which was very pretty seeing all the different types of orchids. We even saw a lady that looked like Cruella De Vil, and of course I snuck a picture of her. There was like this tree walk thingy where we had to climb a bunch of stairs and it was a structure where you got good views of the gardens and could see the city of London off into the distance. There were many birds there, and we even saw a peacock. Some lady called a peacock over to her vehicle driving through the gardens and fed it bread from her car window.After getting back from the gardens we went to ISH and ate supper. Then later on we went to the ISH bar for a little bit, and then majority of our group hungout in the basement of MTH. I stayed up until 3:30am.

I've added some of my favorite pictures that I took, but I'm sorry to inform you all that I didn't look at what the plants were called. Oops. 

 Palm House

 I know that these are a type of Orchid

 Star sighting of Cruella De Vil
 Archway full of Orchids

 This is my favorite plant I saw. I love the bright pink and purple of it!

 Looking down at my favorite plant!
 Wall of Orchids

 Kew Palace
 This is a view of the tree walk thing we did. Sorry I explained it so badly up above.

 Really interesting piece of artwork? It was just a bunch of tree bark
 The lady feeding the peacock bread out of her car
 Close up of the bark thing
Saw this sign walking back to the train station and Lisa made me take a picture of it. They take dog poop seriously in Kew...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Claire,
    Enjoyed the garden pictures. I think I should try growing them in my garden. I bet Cheryl W would know what most of those are. By now your parents should be in London if they got out of O'Hare on time! I hope you have a FUN visit with them. Take care!

    Chris & Steve
