Monday, February 11, 2013

This past weekend

So this past weekend there was only 4 of us from the group here in London. Everyone else was either in Manchester, Dublin, or Paris. I basically laid in bed all day Friday and Saturday. I finished one book and got about halfway in another book I have to read by Wednesday. I'm still sick so I've been taking it easy. On Sunday, Hillary, Olivia, and I checked out this Chinese New Year thing in Trafalgar Square. We thought it would be one big fun celebration, but it turned out to be pretty lame in our eyes. There were a bunch of people standing on the side of one of the roads to watch the parade. We were about 3 or 4 rows back, so we couldn't exactly see much of the parade. We thought there would be more dragons and things like that, but I think there was only like 2. The parade was short. After that we hungout in the National Gallery for about 20 minutes. Then we walked down an aisle of stalls for the festival and we concluded from just that aisle that it was not worth it. It was cold and rainy all day Sunday as well. After leaving Trafalgar Square we wanted to go to M&M World, but it wasn't open yet. We were there around 11 I think and it still wasn't open. I was disappointed because I have yet to go there. We decided to just walk back to ISH to get lunch there, but since we had 20 minutes to kill before they started serving at noon I went down the street to buy more Halls Soothers for my throat. The rest of the day I laid in bed and took a nap and read and watched some of New Girl online. That evening I also Skyped with my #1 best friend Taylor! :)

Today I got up and I had my British and European Cinema class where we watched the movie Dark City.  Last week we learned about German Expressionist films, and I think that movie was an expressionist film. I didn't care for it. It is a mystery/sci-fi film and reminded me of The Matrix and Inception. I don't care for those films either. After class we went to eat lunch at ISH. Then Jeni and I went on an adventure down Great Portland Street to find a post office. There was a huge line of at least 20 people in front of us but the line moved somewhat quickly. The staff member I got did not seem too enthused to be there and he moved really slow. Now if I were an employee there, with so many people waiting in line I'd move fast to get them all on with their days! Ain't nobody got time for that! But I guess that guy didn't really care. This afternoon I putzed around and started writing a paper of mine that is due next Monday. At 5, a group of 11 of us ate supper at a really good chain pizza restaurant here called Pizza Express for my 21st birthday. It was really yummy. Afterwards we headed to the ISH bar and got dessert since it is cheaper here than in restaurants. We all had cheesecake with chocolate and carmel on top of it. It was good. One guy on the trip bought me a drink. It was very low-key and uneventful, both of which I like. I still feel crummy and almost died from a coughing fit after coming back to my room, but I'm still alive. I can't wait to get better.


  1. Happy belated Birthday Claire. Sounds like a FUN way to celebrate your birthday: Pizza, Cheesecake and a birthday drink. Just the way we would celebrate here at Antonios. Did you also get a Birthday Cup to keep? I might have a spare if you would like one. LOL. Hope you are feeling better. Sounds like what you have is what a lot of us have also.

    Hang in there!
    Steve & Chris

    1. Thank you! No, they don't have birthday cups here. Ha, I'm sure we have a couple cups at home I could borrow!
