Saturday, April 6, 2013

On Wednesday it was back to classes. My class took forever, and that's basically all I did on Wednesday from what I remember. Thursday I went to my history class and we got our 4,000 word papers back. Here in England, their grading scale is different. Like a 65-70% is an A. And pretty much anything above 70% is like A+. I got an 88% on my history paper so I did very well! I was so excited to see that I got that high of a score on a paper I hated writing. Thursday night I went to Karaoke for the first time at the ISH Bar, and I was not impressed. People in our group go there every week and they say its fun, but it was so boring and I was not feeling it so Brittany and I went to our room around like 11:30pm.

Thursday morning we ate breakfast at ISH at 9, and at 9:30 we left to go to Buckingham Palace with this guy Jordan from our group and his family. I went because I had read somewhere that the guards changed into their summer outfits (the red coats) but when we got there, they were in their winter outfits! I was disappointed, but it's been really cold here so I suppose I can understand that. When I saw the changing of the guard when my family was here, there were 2 different bands playing music during the changing, but this time there was only one, and they only played like 3 songs, so that was stupid. There were really rude people trying to shove their way through us but I was not going to let them push me around or get in front of me. If someone asks me to move so they can take a picture, I gladly moved. But at one point this dad and his 2 sons who were probably like 10-12 years old like ran up and tried shoving their way past me and Anna, and we did not move or let them. If they're going to be rude and not ask, then heck no they are not getting in front of me! Then when the 2 kids couldn't get past me, they walked away and I looked back at those little rats and the dad looked at me and basically told me I was stupid. Him and his sons need to learn manners. After freezing watching that, we found a cafe to eat lunch at. After that we went to the Royal Mews. That is where they keep the carriages that the royalty ride in, and like the 30-some horses.  However, there were only 2 horses there the other day, because all the other 28 horses or so were on "holiday" somewhere. So that was a little disappointing that we could only see 2 of the royal horses. The carriages were all really neat. Brittany's aunt told her about that, and I'm glad she did because it was cool to see and it wasn't expensive. I never would've known that was there otherwise. The Royal Mews was in the back of Buckingham Palace, so I was on the grounds of the palace. Pretty sweet. There is a clock in a tower there, and they always go by that clock because when they're in the carriages everything needs to be planned out and timed perfectly. For example, if my watch said 4pm and that was the real time, but the clock in the Royal Mews said 2:30pm, they would go with the 2:30 time. When we got back later on we ate supper at ISH and Jordan's family happened to be eating at that time so we all sat together and talked. After that I went back to my room and read through a packet and highlighted information for a paper I have due on Monday, but I got a really bad headache and neck ache so I gave up and relaxed the rest of the night. Lately I've been getting headaches a lot more often and I've had a lot of back and neck pain, and I'm not sure why. I'm ready to get home and have a massage.

Today me, Jeni, Lisa, and Anna left to go to Greenwich. We got off the overground and then walked in the Thames Tunnel underneath the Thames River. I guess it is cool to say that we walked under the Thames, but the tunnel wasn't anything special. We got to Greenwich and then we went to the Natural Maritime Museum. That was ok. We found a Mexican place to eat lunch afterwards. Then we walked up the hill to stand on the prime meridian. We ran down a grassy hill like the other children there to get to the bottom. We walked along the Thames on the Thames Path to make our way to The O2. We checked to see about walking across The O2, but you have to pre-book it, so we are planning on doing that yet before we leave here. There is a 1D World store in The O2 right now, and since I like One Direction, I had to check it out. We stood in a line to go in there, and I was not impressed at all. It was pretty much just like tshirts and stuff on shelves behind a big counter, and there was probably only 5 workers taking all these teen girls money so they could buy stuff. There were a bunch of people in line. I thought it'd actually be like a legit store, not just some merchandise hanging up behind a counter where you had to have the workers get it for you. On our way out of The O2 we walked past the movie theater in there, and decided on a last minute decision to see a movie. We saw the movie "Trance". It is a British crime/drama/thriller film. The movie was weird. Then we came back to ISH to eat supper and now I'm writing this. I will upload some pictures later for you all!

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